General Information

What are the legal obligations for foreign students?

  1. Student Visa:
    A letter of acceptance is sent to foreign students who are successful in the exams and who have earned the right to enter the university. Students abroad must obtain a student visa by going to the Turkish consulate with this letter of acceptance. Students in Turkey can obtain student visas by foreign representatives of Turkey.
    Student visas are mandatory documents in the university enrollment phase.

2. Residence permit:
Foreign students wishing to study in Turkey must obtain a residence permit. Residence permits are given by the immigration administration in the cities where they live. According to the applicable law, foreign students must obtain a residence permit within one (1) month after entry into Turkey.
Foreign students ‘ residence permits are renewed every year.

3. Health insurance:
It will be valid in Turkey and health insurance should be made to fully cover the student’s health expenses. Some universities can afford the health and drug expenses of foreign students. However, if the university does not have such a scope, all health expenses of foreign students will be their own.

4. Alternative way of entering university:
With the removal of Yös for foreign students, universities began to take their own exams. Turkish students are able to enter these exams because they are easy to study in Turkey and students who are studying high school in Türkiye.
Foreign students Exam (Yös), abolished in 2010, the Higher Education Council (Yök), the admission requirements of the students left to universities. In this context, universities will receive foreign students with the approval of Yök, the quotas of departments, application conditions, and the fees of departments themselves. While some universities test for foreign students, some universities, such as Middle East Technical University, Hacettepe University, do not perform exams, such as Abitur, Ib, high school graduation exams, SAT, ACT, such as International University He takes students according to the entrance exams.

5. There are general conditions
We asked the universities about it. They confirmed that foreign students studying in Turkey could join the Yös organized by universities. However, they do not agree that Yös is easier than Ösys. “The ease or difficulty of the questions is a relative concept. A question that is easy for a student studying in schools in Turkey can be more difficult for those who study in a foreign country, “they say. The objection of Turkish students in this direction, “a student studying in Turkey is taking the same education as us, but the students who study abroad are entering the exams organized according to the level of knowledge”, they say.